What does a rating mean?
Just starting to play with no other sports background and no knowledge of any aspects of the game.
Has NO understanding of the rules
Needs to learn everything from the grounds up
Needs to be convinced of the virtues of stretching before play
Forgets to bring hydration to the court
Drives the coach crazy before they learn the dynamics of the game
Obviously, this is added by the coach for fun :) Welcome to the game
Just starting to play with no other sports background.
Has an understanding of the rules
Knows how to keep score
Can demonstrate a forehand, backhand, volley, and serve accurately into the correct spot
Knows where to stand when serving and returning
Knows the differences between the hard and soft game. This person also moves quickly to the non-volley zone and also understands the benefits of “stacking”.
Knows the basic rules and the two-bounce rule
Can hit a forehand and backhand with direction
Is accurate with the serve
Is able to sustain a dink rally
Can volley with some direction
Understands fundamentals
Can accurately keep score
Has limited experience and can sustain a short rally.
Can hit a medium-paced forehead and backhand
Can serve with depth and accuracy
Can hit a medium-paced third-shot drop
Can hit a medium-paced volley with direction
UnderstandS the fundamentals of positioning
Has played in tournaments
Is able to identify and attack weaknesses from the other team. This player is also aware of their partner’s position on the court and is able to move as a team with their partner.
Can use a forehand and backhand with a moderate level of control
Can consistently get the serve in, return the serve in, can serve deep, and can return the serve deep
Can sustain medium-length dink rallies
Can control the height and depth of dink shots
Understands the variation of pace for dink shots
Understands the fundamentals as well as court positioning.
Has all of the skills above
Is accurate on overhead shots
Can sustain a dink rally with control, height and pace
Consistently executes third-shot drops from the baseline
Is able to change soft shots to power shots and then back to soft
Can block and return fast, hard volleys
Is always aware of their partner’s position on the court
Understands strategy, has good footwork, can communicate well, and move efficiently with their partner.
Can do all of the above
Can set up shots to generate errors from the other team
Recognizes and attempts to hit attackable dinks
Poaches effectively
Has effective lobs
Has good footwork
Is comfortable playing at the non-volley zone line
Understands strategy and can adjust during the game
Is for a person who has mastered strategy and can easily play a fast or slow game.
Can do all of the above …
… And has them mastered
Can serve in a variety of ways with power and accuracy
Mastered the dink shot
Exhibits patience during a rally
Definitions - by the USA Pickleball Association
Skills - by DUPR
Compilation - from the PPA website